We offer blocks of 6 sessions, which includes your assessment. In these sessions we can plan routes, help with areas where you lack confidence, and help you to get out and about: confidently, safely, and independently.
Our daily living package can be booked in blocks of 4 sessions. In this programme, we will help with safety in the home, food management, cooking, safe pouring, labelling, rotation of food, cleaning, recognising household items, and developing strategies to help you at home.
We run information courses in 6 week blocks, which give you information on benefits, eye conditions, practical sessions, guest speakers, and therapy dogs. These are of benefit to both individuals with sight loss and their carers, or other professionals working in this area.
If you want to learn more about visual impairment, or want to support someone living with sight loss, come along to our visual impairment awareness training. Our courses are created with family members and carers in mind.
We offer assessments for low vision, as well as support in learning. new communication methods. This includes reading techniques, writing, television, money, medication, and lighting. We do these sessions in the comfort of your own home.
We can come to visit you at home and help with any specific issues that you might be facing.
Every second Tuesday of the month, from 11-1, we hold free carer drop-in sessions. These sessions are ideal for carers that need a bit of additional support and want to drop in for an informal chat.
Every Thursday from 2-4 we offer visually impaired social drop ins. This service is free, and is designed to help people with sight loss to come along and socialise at our dedicated hub, where you can come for advice, support, or simply a chat!
We are delighted to also offer flower therapy. This provides a real sensory experience, using flowers with scents, textures, and light colours. This is available for small groups to ensure dedicated support, and we hold these fortnightly.
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